So, tonight I've made stock, soup, and turnovers, and it's been an ordeal. The soups staying warm on the stove right now, and the turnovers are in the oven, so I can finally sit down and type this stuff out.
Strawberry-Banana Turnovers
No longer the exclusive domain of wacky fruit blend punch juice drinks in brightly coloured cardboard boxes, now you too can have this delicious combination in convenient turnover form, made in your very own kitchen!
You'll need:
So, I put the strawberries on the stove with just enough water to cover, and simmered till they turned into jammy-jelly. I let that cool a bit, made the dough (using all purpose flour to try and get a stretchy dough for easier handling), mushed two bananas into the strawberries, realized I didn't have any white sugar (strawberries get tart when you cook them), said screw it, I'm tired and it's late, then cut the dough into circles of maybe five inches, dolloped the stuff onto the middle, folded them (wetting the edges for better adhesion), then put them in the oven (400ºF). They've been in ten minutes, and I expect they'll be out in another ten.
I know we're in the multimedia age and all, but no pictures this time. I don't actually own a digital camera, I just borrow from other people whom I give food too.
I'm going to go collapse and try not to think about how messy this kitchen is. Will update when turnovers are consumed!
First thoughts: Man, put down tinfoil when making turnovers. That's a mess I'd like to be able to forget about.
Second thoughts: They look delicious, but the pastry is too thick, there's not enough filling, and all I can taste is banana. Next time I'll cook the strawberries less, and add less banana. And probably add some sugar.
How's your throat? Did you get all the glass out of the stock?
Glass in stock? Sounds dangerous.
Hey, strawberry-banana is not just artificial-flavor yogurt cup territory; it actually makes for a smoothie combination that stands out among the haphazard fruit blends one is wont to throw together. (Pro tip: thick yogurt + frozen bananas (freeze them yourself) + frozen strawberries (buy these) + juice or water and a bit of honey or something sweet, blended with enough liquid as your blender needs. This is my standard smoothie protocol.)
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